Alexander’s Cigar Lounge
Experience luxury in the most up to date cigar bar in town. Alexander’s Cigar
Lounge is a sophisticated space located in the inner garden of the Hotel Grande
Bretagne and offers an ideal setting for enjoying fine cigars, wines, liquors, coffee or tea with a friendly and discreet service. With its colonial elegance and warm atmosphere, it is a unique place for relaxation.
Explore a great selection of Cuban cigars with unique flavors and enriching
aromas. The variety available includes blends such as mild, medium bodied and
full bodied cigars. Their tobacco blend is exceptional and all of them are “hecho a mano”- handmade.
As for the sizes you can taste mythic vitolas like gran coronas, lonsdales,
figurados, robustos and models like petit coronas.
Amongst others, the high level service includes cutting and lighting of cigars and
their marriage with drinks.